What Did he Say?

“Mommy, stand up for your rights.”
“Okay, I will.”
More seriously now, “Don’t give up the fight.”
She’s not quite old enough to ask about drug use or civil unrest and uprising. We’ll have to grow into that one.
She is REALLY good at picking up on lyrics and lately she’s started singing along with Lenny Kravitz, Raffi, John Mayer and Green Day, anybody that comes on the radio and asking me what they’re talking about.
As much as I love the Kravitz, I don’t want my kid singing or saying the F-bomb.
Raffi is excellent. “Robin in the rain, what a saucy fellow.”
“Mom, what is saucy?” I’m totally on it.
We love the John but I don’t think “Your Body is a Wonderland” is something I want to explain.
Green Day? I’ve listened to them on the radio since junior high but I pretty much want to steer clear.
“What did he just say?”
“Oh, they bleeped that word out. That’s why it sounded funny”
“What word?”
“Let’s listen to Raffi again.”
Lately we’ve been listening mostly to church primary songs in the car. She begs for the Apricot Corn Song – Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree. I was a bit confused when she asked me to please do the “Asians” while we were listening to it this week. (Mother as mind-reader strikes again – she wanted the Actions!)
ur a bit of a loser. Sorry i've been wanting to tell you this. O and by the way, im not sure if you know me, but i work where you work and and by the way the boss says your fired
10/29/2005 2:51 PM
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10/29/2005 3:07 PM
I'm telling you, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is where it's at.
Hey, where did that link to the knitting site go?
10/29/2005 3:08 PM
We are in love with Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Very soon, you and the kids will have it memorized as well. I love the rhythm of it. I delet all the spam stuff. Sorry.
10/29/2005 3:11 PM
I'm glad to know that I am a Loser. I've been wondering about that. Also, I'm not sure we work at the same place since neither of my co-workers are old enough to type on the computer. As for the boss, I pretty much own the company.
10/29/2005 3:12 PM
Ah, some script kiddies downloaded a spam bot. How cute! We should enjoy their childishness while we can--soon, they'll have lost all the innocence of youth, and will be spamming out messages of enlargement and mortgages instead. *humming wistful lullaby*
10/29/2005 3:29 PM
While the three of us were in the car with him, my husband was playing a CD of '80s "hair band" music that he burned from iTunes. I told him, "You know, pretty soon, you really won't be able to play some of this stuff around the boy." He looked at me as if he hoped I was joking. Little does he know. . .
I'm not all that familiar with the Bob M's music. But I absolutely adore "Three Little Birds."
10/29/2005 4:19 PM
Mmmmmm... read your link to thinking the F-bomb. I call it "Swearing in my Heart" and I have a real bad potty-heart. I'd like to say that I'm working on it, and the sad thing is that I AM working on it. Yet somehow the profanity increases with every baby. How does THAT work?
10/29/2005 6:10 PM
I tried some Raffi when Oldest was tiny. Couldn't do it. K decided we'd bring them up with the Beatles.
It's still working out pretty well.
I know your boss.
10/30/2005 4:43 AM
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