Before the Blog - Part 1
Actual Second Grade Journal - Spelling and grammar left in its original form.

yesterday my babby sister went to the hospitle to get her ahernea taken out. When she came home she came home she was krance she wodunt take. (I think that should read - "wouldn't talk.")
Tuesday, Sept. 17
I have a family of six and mom is pregnint we think it is a girl. (It was a surprise in those days.)
Tuesday, Sept. 24.
My mom had two fals laberies and weav got to stae with two peple. My moms realy mad. (this baby was 4 weeks overdue when it finally arrived)
Thursday, Sept. 26.
My mom has a yucky docter. He is not taking good care of the baby. Mom got her old docter. (at two weeks overdue, my mom switched OBs)
Tuesday, Oct. 1.
We are geting an old fashan piano. It is as tall as my mom. We are puting it wer are book case is it has lots of break abull things on it.
Wednesday, Oct. 2.
We got the new piano this morning it is butaful my brother hogs it all. If you go nere the piano he bangs on it. Heather has an ida. She said we cood teas him out of it she will say "Adam I'av got some thing for you."
Monday, Oct. 7.
Mom still did not have the baby. I don't think it is going to come out. (I felt like this about both of my pregnancies. I wonder if we ever grow up.)
Friday, Oct. 18.
Our baby is home. The only thing I don't like is that she wakes me up. (Ummm…..yeah. This one still rings true.)
Monday, Nov. 4.
My sister was a prinses for Hallowe'en. My mom made her it. She looked niser than me.
Tuesday, Dec. 10.
Today an elf came to school. She was realy weired. She took money out of kids ears (What kind of a freak pulls money out of kids ears? I mean really.)
Wednesday, Dec. 11.
When the elf came she called me and Ranee pixies my mom says that Santa Claus dosn't come if your to old so my dad fills my moms stocking.
Wednesday, Jan. 8.
I am not geting another purm when this one is gone. my mom says purms make me look skinie. (The perm was disaster control after a "pixie" got people asking if I was a boy or a girl. It was supposed to make me look like Annie….)
Thursday, Jan. 23.
I love you Mrs. Kostieuck ever sinc kindergardan I've wanted you for my teacher.
Friday, Feb. 7.
Now I know 3 people named Mark. One is in Sundance and one is in our class and one is in the hospital.
Monday, March. 10.
Today I'm going to the dentist and if you don't have any cavadies you get a silver doller and you alwais get a prize. (In my teenage years, I got my first cavity, didn't get a silver dollar and cried my brains out. I felt like a tooth loser.)
Friday, April. 18.
Today I am going to the docter to see if my arm is broken its going ot be exiteing. (See. I told you.)
Thursday, April. 24.
Today it is almost resess so I can't write very much. My mom likes it when I write in my juornal
Monday, April. 28.
Evere day my mom asks me what I rote in my journel. One day I told her I rote she was a pig. (The Daring One always had a "sense of humor.")
Thursday, May. 1.
One boy named Ean we babysit and one boy named Ryan we babysit. Ryan is all oilers. Ean is all flames. All lunch hour they are fighting. (Do you follow Alberta NHL teams, by chance?)
Monday, May. 5.
I am glad the Flames won 8 to 2 now Ryan is going to want to be on the Flames side.
Tuesday, May. 20.
When I went to grandma's house she gave Heather her 1st sowing mesheen and she gave me some slippers and a perm. (At least now I can spell it.)
Wednesday, May. 28.
My mom isgoing to be my bronies asistent leader but she has to come a half an hour late because of the baby siting kids (Mom was my Brownie leader for years. She always babysat for other kids to help pay the bills.)
Thursday, May. 29.
Day after tomoro I am geting $4 and 50 cents for my allouwince and I am going to buy a water tank gun. (Wow! $4.50! That must have been SOME tank gun! Aren't Canadians supposed to be peace-loving people?)
Friday, June. 6.Today I am sleeping over at my cosin Meridith's house and my sister has to stay home with a hole bunch of grown ups that she dosen't now. I feel sorrie for her.
That is way too funny. I pulled my junior high journals out a few weeks ago with the same intention but yours is WAY funnier.
I also laughed out loud at the cheese story. Oh my word.
1/07/2006 2:28 PM
Loved it!! I wasn't the only Gr.2er that couldn't spell and wrote very funny journal entries. I think I was able to see all those things in my mind. Good memories.
1/07/2006 4:05 PM
PS LOVED the picture!
1/07/2006 4:05 PM
Reading this reminded me why I never kept a diary when I was younger. I always seemed to have nothing much to say and I thought my entries were boring, so in the end I quit writing. If I'd had any idea that two lines of 'mundane' would be so funny and nostalgic 20 years later, I would've continued. Ah well. Water under the bridge! :)
1/07/2006 4:06 PM
Man! You kids knew way too much about what was going on at home. I can't decide if your Dad and I weren't subtle at all, or if you all were just very good eavesdroppers. Hmm.
1/07/2006 5:32 PM
Wow- that was terrific! Makes me wish I started my writing earlier- however, in high school, I wrote a lot of poetry. Very sad, hopeless poetry... I may have to dig them out!
1/07/2006 5:56 PM
Okay, this was REALLY cute. I have been meaning to link you for months, but I am lazy and Nello is designing me a new look so I am waiting to expend the energy on HTML until I get the goods from her. Anyway, I had to visit and tell you to start a chainstory, something Manic Mom started and now I am crazy addicted to and I want to see one on every blog I am in love with. Like yours. So check it out and give it a whirl....
1/07/2006 8:00 PM
Might be the best post I've ever read. It makes me inspired to make Bean write.
1/07/2006 10:15 PM
I have a few written journal entries that make me laugh laugh laugh at what I thought would be important in later life, too. I used to write everything we had for dinner--well at least once I did that-and believe me, that was enough. I think I remember thinking the world would change so much that it would be an interesting thing to know that we had potatoes,meat, and vegetables and cake. Oh boy, what we think when people are landing on the moon! Anyway, very entertaining entry, oh darling daring one.
1/08/2006 1:41 PM
Ohmygoodness - entirely too funny!! You really made my night with this post - not hard to tell that you've always had your gift of writing! Thanks for sharing.
1/08/2006 7:17 PM
Okay now that was a cute entry with an adorable picture. I believe I have the same one except shes got brown hair.
1/08/2006 8:22 PM
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