On Her Flying Trapeze

Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Typical Cloudy Day in Seattle

As witnessed Tuesday, laying in the grass in my back yard.



If we cut down the grass, we cut down on the possibilities for exploration.



Blogger deedee said...

I like days like these.

8/18/2006 12:17 AM

Blogger Allysha said...

Oh dear. I am soooooo jealous of your backyard. Could you ship a little tiny corner off to New York?

8/18/2006 4:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cute. I love those hangin' out in the backyard days....

8/18/2006 5:17 AM

Blogger Nettie said...

I see you have found a most appropriate way to spend your time this summer! I only wish our grass was still so green.

8/18/2006 5:29 AM

Blogger the lizness said...

your children are illegally cute.

8/18/2006 6:01 AM

Blogger Heth said...

Oh my gosh. Look at Magoo. He's growing up!

8/18/2006 6:33 AM

Blogger Shalee said...

Those are the days that make being a mom so much fun. Remember them for later when you want to throttle them over something.

And yes, your children are adorable...

8/18/2006 7:04 AM

Blogger Code Yellow Mom said...

My boy threw a fit one day (can you imagine?!) about putting his sandals on. Finally, as I was winning the battle of wills and they were almost on his feet - he was just crying instead of screaming and flailing - He said, "But Mom, I just want.to feel the grass. with my TOES!" OK, so he won that one. I think being a mom is all about learning to just enjoy toes in the grass days...Mowing the lawn is highly overrated. :)

8/18/2006 7:13 AM

Blogger Kristine said...

Your pictures are beautiful. I love the greenery. Leave it unmowed, then it will feel more like a wild adventure.

8/18/2006 8:00 AM

Blogger Kristen said...

Nice. Very nice. Better leave the grass AS IS!

8/18/2006 9:37 AM

Blogger Damselfly said...

Can I trade typical days with you?

8/18/2006 9:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband hates cutting the grass, so he always tells people that he doesn't want to oppress it. Let the grass be free people!!

8/18/2006 1:06 PM

Blogger Missy said...

You pictures made me feel some what homesick for those lovely summer days playing in the cool green grass in the Northwest. I do miss those days.

8/18/2006 1:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Glad I stopped by.

8/18/2006 3:16 PM

Blogger Lara said...

Beautiful kids. Love that blue sky.

8/18/2006 5:20 PM

Blogger Jenn said...

So much grass to explore and never enough time. :o)

8/18/2006 6:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love those west coast days. your grass is very green!

8/18/2006 10:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a great time. It's wonderful that the kids are enjoying being outside like that--and what a day to be outside!

8/20/2006 1:04 PM


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