On Her Flying Trapeze

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Your Time is Limited Little Shish

In an attempt to up the morbidity level of this blog, I feel it is my duty to inform you that Jack Again, our latest attempt at pet ownership, has very little time left on this earth.

Magoo’s linguistical skills are growing and with them, his obsessive compulsive behaviors. He. Must. Act. Out. The. Words. As. He. Says. Them. He must. He will. He shall.

When he says:

Gick: he must kick something.

Dat: he must go to Dad or grab whatever “dat” he is pointing to.

Jeez: he must eat some cheese or say a silent prayer to the Savior, whose picture he is pointing at.

Deeks: he must get a reply of “you’re welcome.”

Engh-engh-engh-engh: he must repetitively whine this syllable until I lose my ever-living mind.

Now his latest word is “shish,” which means in any language “little fishy”. Magoo loves the shish. He adores the shish. He wants to clutch the shish from its watery enclosure, squeeze it lovingly until its eyeballs pop out, throw it on the floor and march off in search of more Jeez. He’s very hungry and also religious.

Now that he’s learned to climb up on a chair, he is frequently seen pushing one around the house, in search of prey. Nothing is really safe unless locked away. And what's the point of having a shish if it's locked away so no one can see it?

I’m afraid for you, little shish. You are still so small and have so much potential for… um… swimming and such.


Blogger Peter said...

Does he "love it and pet it and call it George"?

8/16/2006 11:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I please come to your house and hug your kid?

8/16/2006 12:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor, poor fish. He doesn't even know what he's in for. In this case though, ignorance is most likely bliss.

And I'm impressed with Magoo's wordage. My kid says, Dora, Blue and Map. Yeah. Apparently we watch a little too much Nick Jr. around here.

8/16/2006 12:33 PM

Blogger Chrissy said...

Um, for a small moment I thought "shish" was a *bad* word--although, I know you do NOT use that sort of language--so, I'm happy that it means "fish" but I'm sure the fish is not! C

8/16/2006 12:34 PM

Blogger Melessa Gregg said...

My son liked to feed our little 'shishies,' and at Easter, he thought he would share some chocolate with them. And now we don't have them anymore. And everytime he spots an aquarium at someone's house even now, he solemnly tells the homeowner that "fish can't eat chocolate, it makes them die."

8/16/2006 12:52 PM

Blogger Margaret said...

Oh that we all were more frequently hungry, and religious.

8/16/2006 1:04 PM

Blogger the lizness said...

here's hoping he doesn't gick over the chair and knock the shish onto the floor for you to find with your lovely toes. in the morning.

8/16/2006 1:27 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

I just found your site the other day, came from Thorougly Mormon Millie. I loved your shish story. Unfortunatley our shish died, in fact we used to shish sit (say that 10 times fast lol) when my friend was out of town, but we managed to kill her shish once while she was gone (not to mention the miniature rose bush I killed while she was gone for 6 weeks). Needeless to say, I don't get to watch her kids very often ;).

8/16/2006 1:49 PM

Blogger momofalltrades said...

I think Magoo and J must have had a talk when we were yakking over the fried oysters. She says Deeks for thanks too! Poor little fishy, they just don't make them durable enough for toddlers, do they?

8/16/2006 4:27 PM

Blogger Jeana said...

So the cheddar flavored Pepperidge Farm treats would be...Jeez-shish, of course.

8/16/2006 5:38 PM

Blogger Aunt Murry said...

ok, so the post made me laugh but the comments made my sides hurt!

8/16/2006 5:56 PM

Blogger Susan said...

You have reminded me of one of my FAVORITE Queer Eye moments, where Carson intones, "Praise cheeses!"

And Jeana made me laugh, with the Jeez-shish.

8/16/2006 7:01 PM

Blogger momof3busyboys said...

Love your post! I love it when little ones start to "talk". It really is cute and amazing. I feel sorry for the 'shish'.

8/17/2006 5:30 AM

Blogger Missy said...

In the immortal words of Darla from Finding Nemo, "Fishy, why are you sleeeeping?!?"

8/17/2006 8:30 AM

Blogger Kristine said...

Very cute. It makes me think of my little guy and his vocabulary! I love the Jeez-shish conglomeration too!

8/17/2006 8:39 AM

Blogger Carrien Blue said...

snort! "very hungry and religous".

Bye-bye fishy

8/17/2006 2:48 PM

Blogger Cristina said...

LOL. My favorite one is jeez. Can I have some jeez and crackers? So cute!

8/17/2006 10:25 PM

Blogger Angela said...

What a talker Magoo is! I think I prefer that stage of talking where what he says can be "loosely interpreted". When my 3 year old bursts out with "And Jesus was his NAME-OH!" among the more pious crowds, I can't cover and say "Oh, that's how he says cheese!" anymore. I think Magoo is a good two months younger than mine and the only thing she says with perfect clarity is "No" with seven different intonations.

8/17/2006 10:32 PM

Blogger Nettie said...

Thank goodness mine hasn't found the shishies (they're on a bookcase is her sister's room). But, I'm sure it'll happen soon.

I love the Jeez Shish!

8/18/2006 5:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh dear. you're right. that shish might not be around long...

but oh, the cutie and his adorable vocabulary!

8/19/2006 1:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww. Poor shish. At least it will have had a nice life--while it lasted.

8/20/2006 1:06 PM


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